Friday, January 15, 2010

More Random Thoughts Again

Aaaa the last bastion for the blocked blogger... the random thoughts post.

Seriously, I don't know what's going on, maybe the holidays sucked all the creativeness out of me or something, but I've been racking my brains trying to come up with something... ANYTHING, for over a week now. Nuthin'. Static. Not even a test pattern. Just the rush of white noise and those fun little black and white speckles that seem to make patterns if you stare at them long enough. I swear I just saw a bunny...

No? Just me then, huh? Yeah right.

So anyway, here's a few things that I've been thinking of that I cant possibly stretch out to entire post on their own.

It's Follow Friday on Twitter again. I have a love/hate relationship with #FF. Here's my thoughts on #FF, and how I do it. I follow a bunch of people but I'm not going to flood everyone's stream with my entire follow list. There's no way I can include everyone every week. SOoooo... I started a list. Every week I do 5, count 'em, 5 Follow Friday posts. Some are already on my Follow Friday list, others are new additions to it. Each person gets their own post. That way you get to see why I am following that person and my good intentions won't get lost in the static that is Follow Friday. (without the bunnies) If you're not on it yet, you probably will be soon. :-)


Haiti has been the poorest nation in the western hemisphere for a long time now, it's a shame that such a tragedy had to happen in order for people to start stepping up and helping them out. I hope that when the rubble has been cleared, the dead have been buried and the cities rebuilt, that the world will continue to help these people rise above such abject poverty. Yes, we have slums and cities like Detroit that are in serious need of help too, but they weren't just shaken flat leaving tens of thousands dead. So give if you can, what you can. Save a little to give to a local charity as well. We're all in this together. It shouldn't take a disaster for people to help out, at home or abroad.


It's warmed up to freezing here in Minnesota. :-) That means I get to go finish shoveling the sidewalks and driveway of what was packed down and frozen freakin' solid. I hope to find pavement again.


My son bought me a model for Christmas that I have finally started putting together. He says this is my test model. If I do this one well, he'll buy me a big fancy one for my birthday. I haven't built a model in over 10 years. Glue smells like lemon now. (Aaaah limonene, is there anything you can't make smell good?) What is it? The Enterprise NCC-1701E. Painting those little windows is going to be a bitch. I need glasses. Oh and some kind of elaborate hand stabilizer. Cuz I ain't giving up my coffee anytime real sooon.


The Minnesota Vikings play against the Dallas Cowboys up here in the Metrodome this Sunday. I only mention this because I am watching ESPN right now and some assclown picked the Cowboys to win. Heh. There is no way Dallas is going to come here and hand the Vikes thier first loss at home this season in the playoffs. That's ok though, as a lifelong Cubs and Bears fan, I'm used to rooting for the "underdogs."


Finally, I think I'll wrap this train wreck up with an open plea to a corporate entity. Dunkin' Donuts? Get your corporate ass up here to Minnesota already. Seriously. Krispy Kreme tried and utterly failed, but they overdid it. Too many new shops all at once, then too many 3rd party deals. (Grocery stores, gas stations... even Target for cryin out loud) People got burnt out on their limited variety quickly. Oh and that whole Atkins thing didn't help much either. So Dunkin' it's up to you. There are NO donut shops anywhere near me, and I live in Saint Paul! Don't make me eat grocery store donuts for the rest of my life, for cryin' out pete's sake. Don't make me beg... oh, I suppose it's too late for that.


  1. I almost spewed coffee reading the bunny comment. You are not the only one that does that.

    Also, I will keep my fingers crossed that the Viking's kick Cowboy ass, and my toes crossed that you get a decent donut, and my eyes crossed that you find that pavement.

    I'll look silly, but it's totally worth it. ;)

  2. LOL Thanks! you can uncross the eyes for now, still too frozen. I salted the crap out of it though, so tomorrow you should probably cross them again.
