Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Hello and thanks for stopping by. Consider this your welcome warning because I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with this blog or how long I will be doing it. Tried blogging before but realized that spilling my guts all over the internet for everyone to see wasn't exactly my cuppa tea. Still isn't, but since my last attempt, I've actually gotten on a couple of social networks and have kept up with them for the most part, so I guess we'll see?

Maybe, if absolutely nothing else comes of this, it will force me to learn how to write in complete sentences again. Damn you, Twitter! 140 chars. whn U he a lot 2 say makes U look like a fking idiot. I no its cool & all, but srsly, 2 have to keep it undr 140 sux smtimes! LOL Every time I am forced to write something like that, I can hear my high school English teacher. No doubt, he would have hated this. Sorry, Mr. McNally.

But then, I suppose I should save my Twitter rant for another post. Yeah, that'll work. LOL ROFL

If you want to read a blog by someone who is actually good at blogging, be sure to check out http://shesawake.blogspot.com/ - I hope to be as interesting someday.

Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again soon.

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